For many individuals who require a wheelchair, the disease or injury that robbed them of their mobility also took away their freedom and independence. In addition, the long-term use of a wheelchair can lead to serious health concerns associated with excessive sitting. If you’re looking for a solution to both of these challenges, it’s time to learn about standing wheelchair benefits for better health and independence. A standing wheelchair is a remarkable innovation that allows for near-total freedom of movement. You will be able to sit, stand, or recline at will. This will enable you to achieve more and get more out of life.
One of the greatest losses wheelchair-bound individuals experience is the loss of freedom and independence. One of the many standing wheelchair benefits is the potential to gain back lost independence. A standing wheelchair converts effortlessly from a seated to an assisted standing position. You do not need to transfer out of the wheelchair to achieve this supported standing position.
This enables you to complete many everyday tasks independently, which is invaluable if you live in an unmodified home. You’ll be able to reach items from upper cupboards and prepare food on a countertop. The benefits of a standing wheelchair also extend to the work environment, as many work-related tasks must be completed while standing.
Furthermore, a standing wheelchair offers social and psychological benefits as well. You will be able to look others in the eye while speaking to them, instead of constantly looking up at other people.
The advantages of a standing wheelchair include many health benefits. It’s widely known that sitting for hours each day increases the risk of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. In fact, it’s detrimental to your muscle tone, blood circulation, and bone mineral density. Excessive sitting can also interfere with proper digestion, bladder function, and even breathing ability. Plus, it increases the risk of potentially life-threatening pressure sores. This helps wheelchair-bound individuals by freeing them from the many hours of sitting that a conventional wheelchair requires, consequently reducing these health risks.
If you’re thinking about buying a motorized wheelchair that allows for more than just sitting, the choice is clear. The Redman Power Chair is the gold standard in the industry. Redman focuses exclusively on our flagship product, which means you’ll benefit from our unsurpassed attention to detail, reliable and innovative features, and commitment to consumer safety. To find out more about the many standing wheelchair benefits, we invite you to request a complimentary in-home demonstration. Call 1-800-727-6684 today.
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