Thank you for all you are doing for us and we deeply appreciate Redman and the efforts you are doing to make this chair very specific to Brian. We truly love the chair and the benefits of standing in this chair are phenomenal………especially the “chair”apy……due to Brian having one leg shorter than the other, we have to do leg extensions as per requested by the dr. of physiatry and physical therapist, so in addition to the ROM we are doing and having this chair, hopefully, we will get the legs more in sync with one another. We will let you know…….how that goes. We also love the fact that we can go places in his stander since he can also drive from it. He really is the center of attention and the docs are so impressed with him being upright, especially since the 3 flap surgeries on his coccyx and ischium. Otherwise, we would be in bed more often since sitting is no longer in his protocol,except for short intervals. Thus, we are totally grateful to you, Alisa, and the staff at Redman for caring and making this happen, not just for us, but others, to have more quality of life. THANK-YOU!!! We want you to all know how blessed we are to have you in our lives!! Bountiful blessings on each one of you! Sincerely, Kim & Brian Demers