Month: August 2012

Nancy Dances at Her Daughter’s Wedding – In Her Redman Power Chair!

We want to share a heartwarming story from Nancy Devore, who recently received her new Redman Power Chair. Thanks for sharing Nancy! “Our daughter Shelby’s wedding was two weeks ago at our farm. Just thought you would enjoy these pics. We really wanted to thank “The Redman Family” for designing the Redman Power chair . There weren’t too many dry eyes on the dance ‘field” when it came time for Rob and me to share the spotlight and dance at our daughter’s...

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Lucy in the sky with diamonds | Redman Power Chair

Lucy Currier of Birmingham, UK has her head in the clouds after receiving her new Redman Standing Wheelchair. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds after she got professionally fitted. Lucy replaced her old Permobil power chair with a new Redman Chief 107ZRx after an exhaustive search for the perfect chair. What drew her to our chair was the ability to stand, our low seat height, the small foot-print, and mid-wheel drive capability. In her words, she likes our chair because “it’s not so...

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A Look at the Backbone of the Redman Chief 107 ZRx

The quality of a Redman Power Chair is built-in, not added on, and it all starts with the back-bone of the Chief 107 ZRx, the frame. We struggle with simply using the word frame because it truly means so much more. Our frame is uniquely one piece that is tailored for each individual user according to their unique physical needs. Our approach to building the very best power chair available is not cheap. It’s taken over 20 years to perfect one design, completely integrating the unique design...

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